Check the physical development of urban and agricultural land use change (Case Study: Urmia City)


  • Vahdat Heidary University of Tabriz, Faculty of geography, MA, Geography & Landuse Planning
  • Akbar Namazi University of Tabriz, Faculty of geography, MA, Geography & Landuse Planning


physical development, change landuse, agricultural lands, villages, the city of Urmia


Agricultureand rural areas of sustainable urban development are important factors in anyurban to rural life depends on it. Cities should be based on the role andpotential talent and act in their area and to develop ways to minimize thenegative effects on the process of rural life. But villages and farmland in thecountry as a result of urban development threaten In this regard, agriculturallands around Urmia An example of this is obvious. This research is based on therural and agricultural land use change and changing to the development of Urmiaidentify. In this study, applied research and its methods - descriptiveanalysis. Data and information required by the master plan and detailed citymaps and satellite images as well as through analysis of documents relatedbooks and related organizations has been collected. The research result showsthat the turnover of agricultural land to urban use due to the physicaldevelopment of the city is still an important example of changes inagricultural land in the villages of Topragh ghaleh , Sadagheh, dadah saghi ,Elias Abad ,band, the state there may be seen Major reasons affecting thechange of agricultural land includes plans for urban development and migrationthat turned sharply on the amount of agricultural land to the city of Urmia inrecent years have added As well as some of the marine operations, including roads,salmas,sea road,anhar,band , Mahabad and the direction of the development ofthe city of urmia in the status existing and the future of the show is that thementioned topics, while agricultural land and significant in their villagesrather than have that data in the future as well as their impact on thephysical development of the city and as a result the user change agriculturalland will show.


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How to Cite

Heidary, V. ., & Namazi, A. . (2014). Check the physical development of urban and agricultural land use change (Case Study: Urmia City). Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 438-445. Retrieved from


