Administrative corruption from sociology perspective and the relationship between administrative corruption and social security


  • Mohsen Zarei Jlyany Assistant professor, Department of Islamic Studies, college of Humanities.kazerun branch, Islamic Azad University,IR of IRAN
  • Gholam Reza Sharafi MA .in. Industrial Management ,IR of IRAN
  • Mustafa Tavani Criminal Law, IR of IRAN
  • Mansour Haghighatian Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, college of Humanities, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University,IR of IRAN
  • Moslem Tavani Department of Social Sciences ,Payamenoor University, pobox 19395 -3697Theran, IR of IRAN


Key words: Functionality, Social Security, Corruption, Deflection of, Bribe, Embezzlement, Cheating


certain principles Observance and non- Observance on organizing a social system will have Indisputable effect at the Organization. And administrative systems are not exempt from this, also the selection of the Administration components and also How to Place the components together can affect its performance. Meanwhile, the government's role in the prevalence or no-prevalence, the extent type and the way of administrative corruption influence, in this article, researchers wants to explore the reasonable cause of this procedure prevalence. So Thought owners by thinking more in this context, compensate Analysis deficiencies. Also following topics are included in this article, first of all.

A) Administrative corruption and social security definitions

B) Impact of administrative corruption on Social Security In terms of rational - traditional
C) the most important point of Sociological Analysis And sociological theories relation with administrative corruption And relate these theories to deviations And its role in administrative corruption cases have been investigated.


certain principles Observance and non- Observance on organizing a social system will have Indisputable effect at the Organization. And administrative systems are not exempt from this, also the selection of the Administration components and also How to Place the components together can affect its performance. Meanwhile, the government's role in the prevalence or no-prevalence, the extent type and the way of administrative corruption influence, in this article, researchers wants to explore the reasonable cause of this procedure prevalence. So Thought owners by thinking more in this context, compensate Analysis deficiencies. Also following topics are included in this article, first of all.

A) Administrative corruption and social security definitions

B) Impact of administrative corruption on Social Security In terms of rational - traditional

C) the most important point of Sociological Analysis And sociological theories relation with administrative corruption And relate these theories to deviations And its role in administrative corruption cases have been investigated.



How to Cite

Zarei Jlyany, M. ., Sharafi, G. R. ., Tavani, M. ., Haghighatian, M. ., & Tavani, M. . (2014). Administrative corruption from sociology perspective and the relationship between administrative corruption and social security. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(8), 774-780. Retrieved from



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