Factors influencing the chances of making a Ph.D grade at the end of M.Sc: A logistic regression approach


  • Akinrinade Fatai Department of Statistics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Muritala Abdulkabir Department of Statistics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Ahmadu Abdulaziz Oshioke Department of Statistics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria


Waiting time, Ph.D grade, M.Phil grade, Binary logistic regression


Over some decades now, Students have been coming back for postgraduate studies after first degree in any University. The time of returning back varies from one graduate to the other depending on so many factors. At the beginning of this programme, the target or goal of every serious student will be to make a Ph. D grade. To this effect, the main objective is to determine which factor(s) (Waiting time (year), Gender, Marital status, B.Sc grades /Results and Institutions) influenced our chances of making a Ph. D grade using binary logistic regression approach, it observed that waiting time and grade of first Degree are the only factors that influenced the chance of making Ph. D grade. Graduates with good grade and with minimum waiting time have brighter chances of making Ph. D grade at the end of the programme.


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How to Cite

Fatai, A. ., Abdulkabir, M. ., & Abdulaziz Oshioke, A. . (2016). Factors influencing the chances of making a Ph.D grade at the end of M.Sc: A logistic regression approach. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 5(2), 360-366. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjpas/article/view/1320




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