Effects of dietary addition of toasted soybean seed meal on libido, semen quality and testis histology of rabbit bucks
Rabbit bucks, Soybean seed, Semen quality, Testicular histologyAbstract
The study was aimed to evaluate the effect of toasted soybean seed meal on sexual libido, semen quality and testis histology of rabbit bucks. The experimental rabbits were divided into two treatment groups (BT1 and BT2) of 12 bucks each. Bucks in BT1 group were fed control diet while those in BT1 group were fed control diet + 10% toasted soybean seed meal. The rabbit bucks were trained for semen collection into an artificial vagina using matured cyclic rabbit does. Semen was collected twice a week for four consecutive weeks. Results obtained revealed that sperm motility and sperm concentration were significantly (p<0.05) enhanced by toasted soybean seed meal. The result also revealed that testis weight and sexual libido was higher in BT2 group than those in BT1 group. The photomicrograph of the BT2 bucks revealed an increase in the number of active spermatogenic cells at different stages of development when compared with those bucks in BT1 group. In conclusion, dietary addition of toasted soybean seed meal to mature rabbit diet improved semen quality and histoarchitecture of the testis.
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Copyright (c) 2012 I. P. Ogbuewu, C. Enumaibe, O. E. Kadurumba, C. T. Iwuji, U. E. Ogundu, I. F. Etuk, M. N. Opara, I. C. Okoli, M. U. Iloejea

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