Acute poisoning with copper sulphate in a young lady


  • Rukhsana Parvin Department of Medicine, Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Copper sulphate; Dimercaprol; D-penicillamine; Intravascular hemolysis ;Renal impairment


Ingestion ofcopper sulphate is an uncommon form of poisoning which is usually reported inIndian subcontinent. This poisoning can lead to life threatening seriouscomplications like acute intravascular hemolysis, renal failure, rhabdomyolysisand methemoglobinemia. Due to its rarity, physicians may face difficulties withmanagement. Here we report a case of acute ingestion of copper sulphate in a30-year-old lady who presented with intravascular hemolysis and acute renalimpairment. She was managed with gastric lavage, intravenous fluid, bloodtransfusion, broad spectrum antibiotics, D-penicillamine and proton pumpinhibitor. She recovered fully after two weeks. With effective supportivemeasures and chelating agents, the morbidity and mortality can be reduced inseverely poisoned patients.


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How to Cite

Parvin, R. . (2013). Acute poisoning with copper sulphate in a young lady. Scientific Journal of Medical Science, 2(6), 92-95. Retrieved from



Case Report