Sulphur recovery process from acid tail gas and environmental implications


  • Shantanu Gaurav Srivastava Department of Chemical Engineering Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R. K. Singh Institute of Oil and Natural Gas Production Technology, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Phase II, Oil and Natural Gas Commission Complex, Mumbai, 410 221, India


Sulfur recovery, Acid gas, Chelate process, Absorbent, LOCAT, SulFerox, ONGC


Removal of sour gases from acid gas during processing of natural gas is one of the necessary steps towards harnessing fuel efficiency.  Our studies on selection of suitable sulfur recovery process from acid gas revealed that liquid phase oxidation process is best suited for safe disposal of acid gas.  The liquid redox processes such as LOCAT process (Hydrogen sulphide being absorbed in chelated iron solution) and SulFerox process (converting H2S in sour gas to elemental sulfur through reaction with ferric ion) were observed highly efficient. Iron chelate based liquid phase oxidation process has been observed most suitable for treating the acid gas generated at Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) Plant. Both LOCAT and SulFerox processes are, hence, recommended to ONGC in the turnkey package for potential decision support in favour of designing ONGC plant.


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How to Cite

Gaurav Srivastava, S. ., & K. Singh, R. (2014). Sulphur recovery process from acid tail gas and environmental implications. Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 13-19. Retrieved from



Original Article