On-farm demonstration of Dimethoate/Ethiothoate 40% EC for the control of Aphids on Lentil crop in Bale zone
Dimethoate, Farmers’ preference, Selection criteria, FRG approachAbstract
On-farm demonstration of Dimethoate/Ethiothoate 40% EC for the control of Aphids on Lentil Crop. The main objective of the study was to demonstrate and validate the effectiveness of insecticides (Dimethoate) against lentil aphid. The demonstration was under taken on single plot of 10mx10m area for each plot with row planting, recommended full package. Mini-field day involving different stakeholders was organized at each respective site. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics, while farmers’ preference to the chemical was identified and ranked using simple ranking methods. The demonstration result revealed that Dimethoate (12.225qt ha-1) is higher than unsprayed (6.95 qt ha-1). Furthermore, this plot was selected by farmers. Thus, Dimethoate is recommended for wider scaling up/out activity in the districts.
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