Growth and yield response of mungbean (Vignaradiata L.) as influenced by sulphur and boron application
Mungbean, Sulphur, Boron, Yield traits, YieldAbstract
The present investigation was carried out at the Agronomy Research Field, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur, Bangladesh in 2014 to evaluate the growth and yield response of mungbean to different sulfur and boron levels. It was designed in a randomized complete block design (factorial concept) with three replications. In this study yield traits and yield of mungbean was influenced by different levels of sulfur (S0=0, S1=22.22 and S2=44.44kg ha-1) and boron (B0=0, B1=1.0and B2=2.0kg ha-1). The maximum plant height (39.63 cm), root length (8.55 cm), total pods per plant (8.22), pod length (6.83 cm), number grains per pod (6.66), grain yield (1.60 t ha-1), biological yield (2.21t ha-1) and harvest index (72.25%) were recorded from the combined application of 22.22 kg ha-1 sulphur and 2.0 kg ha-1 boron. The interaction of 2.0 kg ha-1 boron (B2) with 22.22 kg sulphur per hectare (S1) produced significantly highest value of yield attributes and yields over other treatments.
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