Evaluation of the nutritional potential of safflower meal, after oil extraction, to be used as livestock feed
Safflower seed meal, Nutritional composition, Macro-and micronutrients, Livestock feedAbstract
A field experiment was carried out at Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Notwane Farm to evaluate the nutritional potential of Safflower meal, after oil extraction to be used as potential livestock feed. The treatments were nine safflower genotypes (Kiama Composite (control), PI 537632-1038-USA, PI 30441-BJ-2621-Iran, PI 537598-Sina-USA, PI 407616-BJ-2131-Turkey, PI 537634-1040-USA, PI 537668-BJ-1085-USA, PI 314650-Milutin-114-Kazakistan and PI 306830-BJ-1632-India, laid in randomized complete block design. Safflower genotypes significantly (P<0.05) influenced the nutritional composition of safflower seed meal. The seed meal CP, NDF, ADF, ADL and ash contents significantly (P<0.05) varied between 19.3-22.5, 54.6-61.2, 45.0-50.7, 18.0-20.8, 1.10-1.60%, respectively. The seed meal mineral contents ranged from 6.98-7.90 mg/g P, 10.68-12.91 mg/g K, 8.78-10.61 mg/g Ca, 4.45-4.99 mg/g Mg, 90-120 µg/g Zn, 70-90 µg/g Fe, 40-50 µg/g Mn and 90-130 µg/g Cu. It was concluded that safflower genotype greatly influences nutritional value of seed meal after oil extraction and the meal can be used livestock feed.
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