Evaluate the quality of ICT service provided by rural ICT offices using SERVQUAL model
Quality of service, rural ICT offices, SERVQUAL modelAbstract
Identify gaps in service quality can be the basis for planning, prioritize and make decisions about allocating resources. In rural ICT offices could be provided the various government services such as: telecommunications services, Post, Post Bank, and etc. Examining the gap between expectations and perceptions of quality of ICT service provided by rural ICT offices could be improved the quality of services. This study aims was conducted to evaluate the quality of ICT service provided by rural ICT offices using SERVQUAL model, field sampling from the perspective of the villagers. The statistical population of this study was the households villagers in rural areas that have the rural ICT offices (N= 4660). Using Cochran's formula the statistical sample was selected 188 people and the necessary data was collected through a questionnaire. The results of research showed that the services provided by rural ICT offices could be covered properly the expectations and perceptions villagers in five dimensions: physical, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy. The maximum amount gaps were observed in physical (0.6), responsiveness (0.53), reliability (0.48), and empathy (0.29) and assurance (0.1) respectively. The results of research showed that the gaps between expectations and perceptions of the physical, responsiveness and reliability dimension were significant at 99% level. Also in empathy dimension the difference between expectations and perceptions was significant at the 95% level. While the results of research showed that was a not significant difference between expectations and perceptions in ensured dimension for service provided by rural ICT offices.
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