Irregular cytokinesis during microsporogenesis of Psychotria myriantha Mull. Arg.


  • A. R. Alonso-Pereira Mestrado em Biotecnologia Aplicada à Agricultura. Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR, Brasil
  • S. M. Godoy Mestrado em Biotecnologia Aplicada à Agricultura. Universidade Paranaense – UNIPAR, Brasil
  • C. Risso- Pascotto Departamento de Ciências Biológicas. Universidade Paranaense – Brasil


Meiosis, Micronuclei, Microcyte, Dyad, Polyad


The Rubiaceae family is composed of approximately 550 generaand 9000 species. In spite of its great number of species and importance, fewcytological studies on the genus Psychotria are extant, whereas cytogeneticanalyses deal with the number of chromosomes of a few species. This study describesfor the first time the meiotic process during the microsporogenesis of P.myriantha. Analysis showed some irregularities during microsporogenesis and themost frequent is related to the cytokinesis process. Results show that 91.75%of microspores and 94.44% of pollen grains had normal behavior during themicrosporogenesis process..


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How to Cite

Alonso-Pereira, A. R. ., Godoy, S. M. ., & Pascotto, C. R.-. (2013). Irregular cytokinesis during microsporogenesis of Psychotria myriantha Mull. Arg. Scientific Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(11), 227-231. Retrieved from



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