The apple orchard and some its parasites


  • Lavdi Hasani Department of Biology, University “Eqrem Çabej” Gjirokastër, Albania.


Apple, Orchard, Parasites


The following paper shows some of the specific damage to the apple orchard. These pests, very specific in terms of their morpho-anatomy, way of feeding, damage they cause and lifestyle, are representatives of the microscopic group of insects represented in the N / Order Coccoinea of the order Homoptera of this class (Insecta ). The paper provides data collected on this group of insects and their importance in terms of the damage they cause to orchards, in this case to apples. The data were obtained by conducting a series of field expeditions in six main regions of Southern Albania (Vlora, Saranda, Delvina, Gjirokastra, Tepelena and Përmet). The expeditions have been carried out chronologically for over five years in a row and in every season of the year for every checkpoint. The material stored in liquid preservative (ethyl alcohol) was further processed, analyzed and interpreted in the laboratory. From this a number of important data have been obtained and it has been concluded in some important conclusions for the cultivation and breeding of this important orchard.


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How to Cite

Hasani, L. . (2021). The apple orchard and some its parasites. Scientific Journal of Biological Sciences, 10(1), 277-283. Retrieved from



Original Article