Phytotherapy of intermediate host snail by ferulic acid to kill the Fasciola gigantica larvae in different months of the year 2011-2012


  • K. Sunita Malacology laboratory, Department of Zoology, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur 273009 (U.P), India
  • P. Kumar Malacology laboratory, Department of Zoology, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur 273009 (U.P), India
  • D. K. Singh Malacology laboratory, Department of Zoology, DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur 273009 (U.P), India


Fasciolosis, Phytotherapy; Sporocyst; Redia; Cercaria; Ferulic acid


Fasciolosis is a parasitic helminthes disease caused by Fasciola gigantica. The different larval stage (sporocyst, redia and cercaria) are found in intermediate host snail Lymnaea acuminata. In the present study it has been tried to kill the F. gigantica larvae in vitro/ in vivo condition by the use of ferulic acid there is no mortality of snails. Mortality of larvae in in vivo and in vitro condition were observed at 2h, 4h, 6h and 8h, exposure of ferulic acid. Effect of seasonal variation on abiotic factors is one of the crucial phenomenon, which ultimately affect the toxicity of ferulic acid in different months of year 2011-2012. In in vitro treatment highest toxicity of ferulic acid against redia was noted in between July to August (8h LC50 0.37,-0.34 mg/ml), where as in case of cercaria highest toxicity was noted in month of September- October (8h LC50 0.10,-0.17 mg/ml). Highest toxicity in in vivo treatments against redia was noted in between July- August (8h LC50 0.43- 0.42 mg/L respectively). The lowest toxicity were observed in between the months of December to January. The highest temperature, free carbon dioxide, and lowest pH, dissolved oxygen was noted in the months of June to August.


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How to Cite

Sunita, K. ., Kumar, P. ., & K. Singh, D. (2013). Phytotherapy of intermediate host snail by ferulic acid to kill the Fasciola gigantica larvae in different months of the year 2011-2012. Scientific Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(7), 138-144. Retrieved from



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