Ultrastructural pathology of vascular endothelial in patients with premalignant and malignant cervix lesions infected with papillomavirus


  • I.J. Graterol Department of Normal and Pathologic Morphology, Carabobo University Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
  • H.J. Finol Center for Electron Microscopy, Central University of Venezuela Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
  • M. Correnti Institute of Hematology and Oncology, Laboratory of Genetics, Caracas Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
  • M. Ávila Institute of Hematology and Oncology, Laboratory of Genetics, Caracas Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of


Ultrastructure, Endothelial vascular, Cervical cancer, HPV


The purpose of this study was to determine the ultrastructural of vascular endothelial and relationship of the human papilloma virus (HPV) infection in patient with cervix lesions. Fifty-eight (58) tissue samples from the uterine cervix were obtained from patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and human papillomavirus infection at a public outpatient clinic in Aragua State, Venezuela. For the ultrastructural study, routine transmission electron microscopy techniques were used as well as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for HPV. In the ultrastructural study (figure 3) NIC I sample with HPV type 6 infection. This section shows a capillary with reduplicated basement membrane and the endothelial cell cytoplasm widened (figure 4) Uterine cervix NIC II sample infected with HPV type 16. A mastocyte is shown. Note abundant collagen fibrils.( figure 5) NIC III sample with infection by HPV type 16. Capillary basement membrane is duplicated . Endothelial and pericyte cytoplasms are widened. Note in the pericyte the presence of pinocytotic vesicle.(figure 6) Invasive cervix cancer with HPV type 16. The widened endothelial cell cytoplasm shows prolongations into the lumen. Note the presence of primary lysosomes and pinocytotic vesivles.HPV11 was identified and both endothelial cytoplasm prolongations into the lumen and thickening of the endothelial wall were clearly seen. Changes of microvascular tissue in premalignant lesions and increased thickness of the endothelial capillary walls in malignant lesions of the uterine cervix indicated the activation of angiogenesis.


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How to Cite

Graterol, I. ., Finol, H. ., Correnti, M. ., & Ávila, M. . (2013). Ultrastructural pathology of vascular endothelial in patients with premalignant and malignant cervix lesions infected with papillomavirus. Scientific Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(7), 145-151. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjbs/article/view/1037



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