Recent developments in diagnosis and management of nutrients constraints in acid lime
Acid lime, Nutrient diagnostics, Biochemical markers, Ferilizer requirement, Microbial consortiumAbstract
Acidlime is considered highly nutrient responsive crop. Occurrence of multiple nutrient deficienciesmakes the redressal of such nutrient deficiencies all the more complexexercise. Site specific nutrient management studies find a greater weight ageover conventional but classical progressive fertilization response studies, ifconstraint specific fertilization is to be worked out. Simultaneously use of integrated strategiesviz., soil application of macronutrients (NPKS) and foliar application ofmicronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, B); and INM using rationale of organic manuresfortified with microbial consortium based microbial reactor through isolationand characterization of native and dual purpose microbes and inorganicfertilizers have produced encouraging responses to improve production dividendsunderlying their undeniable utility. But, fertilizer requirement experimentshave generated a vast variation in their recommendations depending upon orchardage, soil type and climatic features besides very limited information on micronutrientsrequirement. There is a still a bigger constraint in form ofnon-availability of reproducible nutrient diagnostics to determine frequencydistribution of nutrient constraints duly verifiable at orchard level. Countrywide studies on development ofnutrient diagnostics have suggested optimum range of nutrients based on leafand soil analysis. For the optimum yield using DRIS (diagnosis andrecommendation integrated system) based interpretation tool. Development ofmorphological descriptors and juice nutrient norms have further aided indefining the nutrient constraint more precisely. Such studies strongly warrant refiningdiagnostics at regional, and still finer at orchard level, so that once thecorrect diagnosis of nutrient constraint is made, management becomes acomparatively easier task.References
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