Productivity of taggar goats as affected by sex of kids and litter size


  • I. Bushara Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Dalanj University, Sudan
  • A.M. Abu-Nikhiala Department of Diary Production, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Khartoum, Sudan
  • A. O. Idris Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Peace University, P.O. Box 20, El Fulla, Sudan
  • D. M. Mekki Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan, P.O. Box 716, Khartoum, Sudan
  • M.M. M. Ahmed Department of Environmental Physiology -Main library, University of Khartoum, Sudan
  • A.M. M.A. El-Hag Agriculture Research Corporation (ARC) El- Obeid Research Station, Sudan. P.O. Box 429


Taggar, Goat, Production, Reproduction, Concentrate ration, Dry land, Sudan


The experiment was conducted in Taggar goats to evaluate the effect of two different levels of protein and energy in ration on some reproductive and productive traits. Sixty two (62) kids of Taggar goats were used in this experiment. Animals were allocated to three feeding regimes in a complete randomizes design according to live body weight. The results indicated that supplemented does secured higher litter size 1.50 and 1.33 compared with control group 1.2. Where kidding rate was high in supplemented groups 100% compared with control group 93.8%.Body weight was heavier at time of kidding and time at weaning for supplemented does compared with control does. These results indicated that supplementation reduced body weight losses through lactation period. The kidding interval for the supplemented does was shorter 247.81±8.38 and 242.60±7.88 days for does in groups B and C respectively compared with does in control group 288.94±6.84 days. Similar the service period had been reduced in supplemented does compared with control does, the respective values were 74.32±4.96, 83.46±4.67 and 93.08±4.22 days for groups B, C and A respectively. The results of milk analysis indicated that supplemented does produced higher protein, lactose and total solid content whereby the fat content was higher in control does. The supplementation which given to does had reduced the number of aborted and abortion and mortality rates compared with the unsupplemented does. In conclusion the investigated environmental factors showed an impact on both reproductive and productive traits of the Taggar goats under the rangeland farming system.


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How to Cite

Bushara, I. ., Abu-Nikhiala, A. ., O. Idris, A., M. Mekki, D., M. Ahmed, M., & M.A. El-Hag, A. (2013). Productivity of taggar goats as affected by sex of kids and litter size. Agricultural Advances, 2(5), 150-157. Retrieved from



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