Gerbera performance and planting time


  • Rokolhuii Keditsu Department of Horticulture, School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, Nagaland University, Medziphema 797 106, Nagaland, India


Agroclimate, Gerbera, Soil-climate analogues, Nutrient flow, Soil moisture regime


Earning livelihood in response to climate change is the biggest threat to mankind. Emerging energy crisis coupled with unprecedented recent hike in fertilizer prices has further warranted towards finding alternative means to improve quality production of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hook) through modulation in plant requirement agroclimatically. Soil-climate norms are, therefore, considered key to success of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex Hook) in response to planting time. Studies carried out on Alfisols of humid tropical India under open field conditions suggested the optimum agropedological criteria as: nutrient regime (122.1-152.6 KMnO4-N, 6.1-7.2 Bray-P and  97.6-114.3 NH4OAc-K mg/kg) and climatic features  (182.3-201.0 g/kg soil moisture, rain fall 96.2-223.5 mm/month, 5-8-6.80C hrs diurnal variation) in order to exploit upon the correct time of planting and harvesting maximum flowers yield of Gerbera grown on Alfisol. Exploiting rhizosphere microbial dynamics vis-à-vis differential changes in soil carbon pool and soil microbial community structure and diversity within the rhizosphere, thereby, paving the way towards usage of microbial consortium to safeguard against any possible nutrient mining within rhizosphere.  Developments in soil-climate analogues-based nutrient dynamics vis-à-vis meteorological conditions, facilitating expansion of floriculture industry on sound scientific footing; tailoring fertilization through partitioning nutrients across physiological growth stages; arriving at dynamic nutrient diagnostics enabling identification of nutrient constraints at any growth stage of the crop coupled with biochemical marker aided diagnostics, have collectively added now look to the entire gamut of Gerbera nutrition in particular, and floriculture industry in general. These breakthroughs have eased out the complexities associated with various issues of Gerbera nutrition.


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How to Cite

Keditsu, R. . (2013). Gerbera performance and planting time. Agricultural Advances, 2(7), 195-205. Retrieved from



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