Genetic diversity of barley verities by RAPD markers


  • A. Pourmohammad Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran
  • D. Mahdavisafa Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran


Polymorphism, Cluster analysis, PCoA


The fourteen barleyverities were   studied by RAPD markersto assessment of their genetic diversity. From 40 used primers, 17 primersestablished suitable banding patterns. Totally, 435 bands were produced between564- 4157 bp that all bands were polymorphic in varieties. The total mean ofmarkers for each primer was 25.59 and mean of polymorphic markers for eachprimer and variety were 27.9 and 22.29, respectively. “Gara Arapa” with 104 and“Gorgan” with 64 bands had the highest and lowest polymorphic bands,respectively. Primer 7 had the highest polymorphic band (35) and primer 11 hadthe lowest polymorphic band (13). Polymorphic information content (PIC) forprimers was estimated among 0.26 (Primer 2) and 0.48 (Primer 13) with mean0.34. Marker index (MI) varied among 2.01 to 8.97 in primers 2 and 7,respectively. Nei’s gene variation index was estimated 0.288for RAPD markers data. These amounts showed partly high diversity among understudied varieties. The genetic distance varied from 0.2509 between “Gara Arapa”and “Dari-Friz 88-A1” to 0.7135 between “Gohar Jo” and Dari-Friz 88- A7. TheCluster analysis based on Nei's genetic distance classified genotypes to threegroups. The first group contains Gorgan, Makui, Goharjo and Dari-Friz88-A1. Thesecond group contains Zarjo, Reihan, Karoon, Garearpa, Sahand, Valfajr andDari-Friz88-A7. The third group consists of Sina, Dari-Friz88-A3 andDari-Friz88-A5.


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How to Cite

Pourmohammad, A. ., & Mahdavisafa, D. . (2013). Genetic diversity of barley verities by RAPD markers. Agricultural Advances, 2(12), 299-302. Retrieved from



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