Variations of inferior phrenic and coeliac arteries


  • S. R. Jain Department of Anatomy, VMGMC, Solapur, India
  • P. S. Nahar Department of Physiology, BJMC Pune, India
  • M. M. Baig Department of Anatomy, VMGMC, Solapur, India


Coeliac trunk;Inferior phrenic artery;Left gastric artery;Splenic artery;Suprarenal artery


The coeliac artery isventral visceral branch of the abdominal aorta and it supplies supracolicorgans. It divides into three branches namely the left gastric, the commonhepatic & the splenic arteries. Vascular variations are constantly observedin dissection of adult cadavers. Though they are usually asymptomatic, priorknowledge about the anomalous branching pattern of the celiac trunk isessential to successfully accomplish surgical, oncological, interventional procedures.The present variation was observed during routine dissection of a femalecadaver in department of Anatomy, Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Government MedicalCollege, Solapur. The branches of the celiac trunk ware traced carefully. Unilateralvariation in branching pattern of the coeliac trunk (CT) in upper anterior wallof the abdominal aorta of a male cadaver was noted. This coeliac trunk hadnormal relations with the abdominal viscera. After giving rise to its normalbranches that is left gastric (LG), common hepatic (CH), spenic (S) arteries,it also gave origin to left middle suprarenal (LMS) artery. Right and leftinferior phrenic arteries were arising as common trunk with right middlesuprarenal artery from anterior wall of aorta right to origin of coeliac trunk.Presence of such variation is worth considering in procedures such as intraarterial chemotherapy, radioembolisation, liver transplantation,pancreaticoduodenectomy.


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How to Cite

R. Jain, S., S. Nahar, P., & M. Baig, M. (2013). Variations of inferior phrenic and coeliac arteries. Agricultural Advances, 2(12), 308-311. Retrieved from



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