Determination of larval development stages in beluga (Huso huso Linnaeus, 1758)
Huso huso;Larval development;Meristic Characteristics;Morphometric variables;Pigmentation patternAbstract
The study of egg andlarvae stages tn fishes is one of new fields in Ichthyology. There are manychanges in larvae stage and the study of fish bio-history can provide someinformation about the changes of this stage to us. In this study, the larvaedevelopment stages on 44 samples of Bluga larvae investigated based on themorphological observations, the pigments scattering pattern and finsdevelopment patterns. From the viewpoint of pigments pattern, the highestpigments were concentrated on the rear of head and between eyes and the lowestwas on fins bud, the tip of snout and under of lateral line of body. Themorphological observations in larvae stage indicated that larvae in early stagehas different shape than its puberty and its appearance will change in pamllelto its development during the time, so that at the end of this stage it is solike an adult fish. In same performed researches on larvae of other sturgeonspecies, there are relative similarity based on pigment scattering pattern butthere are significant differences in morphological observation and also thepattern of fins development.References
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