Qualitative assessment of land suitability for Cultivation of irrigated wheat and barley by using simple Limited and the number and limiting intensity method (case study; Esfarvarin region of Qazvin province)
cultivation techniques; limitation and its number and severity; Quality evaluation; soil classificationAbstract
This study was conducted to qualitative assessment of landsuitability for irrigated wheat and barley and evaluation the performance ofland suitability evaluation methods. The study area is the Esfarvarin which islocated in Qazvin province. To perform classification, profiles of each of theseparate land units excavated and the soil samples were classified using theclassification of the American. Given the required characteristics of wheat andbarley are all in group of the thermal requirements, so the lowest temperatureamong this group be considered as an indicator of climate (Because irrigated andnon-attention to the amount and distribution of rainfall). The climate does notlimit in this area. Fitness classes by simple limited method in this area forirrigated wheat and barley is (S1) and by the number and limiting intensitymethod for both plants is (0). The results of the simple limited method are S1and for the number and limiting intensity method is (0). In Dizan, Zia Abad,Naser Abad, Zakan, and Gharghashin series, the results for irrigated wheat andbarley are the same and for the simple limited method are (S1) and for thenumber and limiting intensity method are (0). In Joharein series, the results forwheat and barley are same and for the simple limited method are (S1) and forthe number and limiting intensity method are (0) and the fitness class is good.In Nargeh series, the results of the simple limited method are (S2S) and thenumber and limiting intensity method are (2) for wheat and barley. In Kharrudseries, the results of the simple limited method are (S2S) and the number andlimiting intensity method are (2) for both plants and the fitness class is averagethat limiting factor is reported high rates of lime that its amount is 21.56 percent.In Ak series, the results of the simple limited method for both plants are(S2S) and the number and limiting intensity method are (2) and fitness class isaverage that limiting factor is reported high rates of lime that its amount is20.06 percent.References
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