Effect of biological phosphate and chemical phosphorus fertilizer on yield and yield components of Ajowan (Carum copticum) medicinal plant
Ajowan, biological phosphate, medicinal plant, yield, yield componentsAbstract
The effect of biological phosphate andchemical phosphorus fertilizer on yield and yield components of Ajowan (Carum copticum)medicinal plantwere studied in a field experiment at the research farm of Nourabad in Lorestan, Iran, in2013. Experiment was arranged as a factorial based on randomized completeblock design in three replications. Treatments included biological phosphate (Pseudomonasputida) at twolevels inoculated and non-inoculated and chemical phosphorus (P2O5) at three levels (Zero, 50 and 100 kg.ha-1). Results showed that effect of treatments on plant height, umbel number per plant, grain number per umbel and grainyield were statically meaningful, however, there were no significant differencesbetween treatments in about weight of 1000grains. The means showedthat the greatest plant highest (70 cm) and grain yield (475 kg.ha-1)were obtained by a treatment of biologicalphosphate+ chemical phosphorus (50 kg.ha-1 P2O5). Resultsindicate that applying the combined biological phosphate and chemicalphosphorus fertilizer can be practical and helpful method to increase Ajowan yield, yield components and reduce the environmental pollution.References
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