Spatial Prediction of Chloride Concentration in Azarshahr plain Aquifer-Iran, Using EC, Ca and Mg as Auxiliary Co-kriging Variables
Cokriging; Kriging; Spatial prediction; Azarshahr; IranAbstract
For a less densely sampled Area, Lognormal ordinary cokriging (LnOCK) with auxiliary variables can sometimes improve estimates. In this study for groundwater quality assessment of Azarshahr plain aquifer- East Azerbaijan province- Iran (one of the Uromia lake sub-basins) 39 samples have been gathered. Due to slight sample accumulation, geostatistics was utilized for accuracy rising in Chloride concentration prediction of study area. For this purpose, three steps were designed; At first, spatial concentration of chloride has modelled by Lognormal ordinary kriging (LnOK), then three different covariant (EC, Ca and Mg ) that their quantities had more than 90% correlation to chloride, has been chosen for spatial prediction of its concentration separately and in third step EC and Ca have used together as covariates to evaluate the spatial prediction. Outcomes have shown that Lognormal ordinary cokriging (LnOCK) using Ca as an auxiliary covariant reveals more efficient results; With Mean error about 0.04 and RMSE about 0.26. Whereas adding more data set as excess covariant (Ca and EC, together) reduced the model precision. Drown maps finally showed that Chloride concentration rises from the South-East to North-West in study area.
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