Kyzylorda region - The history of the «rice epic» or problems and prospects of the industry


  • Aidos Mussabekov South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.
  • Ergaly Zhumanazarov South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.
  • Madina Maulenkulova South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.
  • Nurbakyt Orazaliyev Krasnovodopad Experimental Station LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkestan Region.
  • Karlygash Polatbekova K. Yassavi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkestan.


Aral Sea region, Rice yield, Cultivation Assessment Technologies


Kyzylorda region has more than a century of rice growing history. During this period, the industry has gone through many stages - from ups to downs. According to archival sources, the first rice crops appeared along the Syr Darya River in the late 19th century. Only flat areas were developed, where there were no problems with irrigation. Rice farming in the early period was considered nomadic - because of waterlogging and salinization of fields, used areas were abandoned and new ones were developed. In the 1920s, a new stage of development began, which lasted for ten years. During this time, old irrigation systems were restored and new ones were created.


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How to Cite

Mussabekov, A., Zhumanazarov, E. ., Maulenkulova, M. ., Orazaliyev, N. ., & Polatbekova, K. . (2022). Kyzylorda region - The history of the «rice epic» or problems and prospects of the industry. Agricultural Advances, 11(1), 614-617. Retrieved from



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