Study of lately maturing maize genotypes to fusarium ear rot


  • Masoud Mohseni Scientific Member of Agronomy and Horticulture Crops Reasearch Department, Mazandran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Sari, Iran.
  • Mohammad Hossein Haddadi Scientific Member of Agronomy and Horticulture Crops Reasearch Department, Mazandran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Sari, Iran.


In order to recognition of resistance in lately maize genotypes to ear rot fusarium disease, this study was conducted with 37 hybrids and 30 lines which were produced at corn and forage crop department. These genotypes were used at Qharakheil agricultural research station in 2017-2018. Distance of row spacing was 75 centimeters, row length was 2/5 m and plans distance in row was 25 centimeters. By handle inoculation, all of genotypes were inoculated, and the amount of genotypes resistant were recognized (Disease severity). The results in 2017 showed that five lines had susceptible, eight lines had tolorant and two lines had resistant. Two hybrids had susceptible and one resistant, 17 hybrids had tolorant. Results in 2018 showed that three lines had susceptible, two lines had very susceptible and two lines tolorant.


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How to Cite

Mohseni, M. ., & Haddadi, M. H. . (2021). Study of lately maturing maize genotypes to fusarium ear rot. Agricultural Advances, 10(1), 580-584. Retrieved from



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