Challenges facing semi-urban fish farmers’ use of information and communication technology devices in Imo State Nigeria
Semi-urban, Fish farmers, Communication, TechnologyAbstract
The study examined the challenges semi-urban fish farmers face in their use of information and communication technology devices in Imo state. Data were obtained using structured questionnaire from 210 fish farmers selected randomly from a list of 2300 fish farmers obtained from fish farmers cooperative office in Owerri, the state capital. Using descriptive statistical tools, data were analyzed and presented in tables for understanding and clarity. Results revealed that majority (37.6%) are within the active age of 41-50, 58.6% are males, 50% have secondary education, and have about 11-15 years of fish farming. The respondents have frequent access to radio, telephone (mobile), television, magazines and newspapers. They need information on feed formulation, water management, disease management, fingerlings, processing and drug use. They face the following challenging erratic power supply, low level of education, language barrier, low income, lack of skills in ICT, among others. In view of the following we recommend that communication companies and service providers improve their network coverage. Government should also improve in their provision of electricity and make power supply constant and steady.
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