Energy extension and energy literacy for sustainable energy development in rural Nigeria
Energy, Extension, Information, Development, RuralAbstract
Energy is a very important part of any sustainable development strategy. Without modern energy services, the poor will go on being poor and the sick will continue to be sick. Access to clean, abundant, reliable domestic energy services is an enormous challenge facing Nigerian and Africa because energy is fundamental for socio-economic development and poverty reduction. Since majority (about 70%) of the Nigerian population live in rural areas, with agriculture as their major occupation, clean energy development and provisioning is important to meet their livelihood needs. Renewable energy technologies have been developed but most of these rural dwellers are ignorant of these technologies. This paper thus brings to the fore, the issue of energy extension and literacy. Energy extension is a necessary tool for education, development and adoption of renewable energy technologies in the rural areas. In developing energy technologies, extension by nature has an important role in promoting the adoption of new technologies and innovations with rural dwellers as the target group. The paper thus outlines the energy situation in the country, need for extension education in energy development and the veritable roles of extension in energy development, education and information provisioning.
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