Research agenda of Hong Kong teachers’ emotional experiences at work
Teacher emotions;Interpretation;Education reform;School administration;Teaching purpose;Symbolic interactionismAbstract
In recent years, it seems that teachersin Hong Kong feel negatively about their work. To some extent, the negativeemotional experiences may not only affect teachers’ well-being, but also thequality of schooling. Thus, it is necessary for us to pay attention to thephenomenon of teachers’ emotional experiences, especially the negative ones. Inthe literature, researchers have investigated teachers’ emotional experiencesfrom the psychological perspective. Nevertheless, the psychological perspectivemay neglect the social impacts on teaches’ emotional experiences. Thelimitation may create an incomplete or inaccurate understanding about thephenomenon. In order to overcome the limitation, this article proposes asociological research agenda for further investigation on the basis ofsymbolical interactionism.
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