The study of zinc bioaccumulation in internal organs of swan mussel, Anodonta cygnea (Linea, 1876)


  • F. Moezzi Department of fisheries, faculty of natural resources, university of Tehran, Karaj- Iran
  • A. Javanshir Department of fisheries, faculty of natural resources, university of Tehran, Karaj- Iran
  • S. Eagderi Department of fisheries, faculty of natural resources, university of Tehran, Karaj- Iran
  • H. Poorbagher Department of fisheries, faculty of natural resources, university of Tehran, Karaj- Iran


Zinc;Anodonta cygnea;Bioaccumulation;Internal organs


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How to Cite

Moezzi, F. ., Javanshir, A. ., Eagderi, S. ., & Poorbagher, H. . (2013). The study of zinc bioaccumulation in internal organs of swan mussel, Anodonta cygnea (Linea, 1876). Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 2(9), 249-253. Retrieved from



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