Epidemiological features of tuberculosis in the region of Prizren


  • Fadil U. Kryeziu National Institute of Public Heralth of Kosova, Prizren Albania Humane ecology
  • Violeta Xh Kryeziu National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo, prizren Albania Microbiology
  • Feim D Mazreku Regional Hospital of Prizren Albania Ophtalmolog
  • Sejran Abdushi Regional Hospital of Prizren Albania Internal disease, Cardiology
  • Isuf Dedushaj National Institute of Public Health, Prishtine Albania Public Health


Tuberculosis, incidence, region, Prizren


Tuberculosis is still one of disease with high incidence in the region of Prizren, but at a lower level than at the Country level. The aim of our research was analysis of epidemiological parameters of tuberculosis in region of Prizren, its trend and comparison of incidence at the Country level. In this study are used data from the Institute of Public Health in Prizren, registration forms of tuberculosis disease. The data are processed and analyzed using descriptive epidemiological method. For an analysis of the results and their expression in tables and graphs we use Microsoft Exell 2007. During the time period from 2008 to 2012 in the region of Prizren have registered 614 cases with tuberculosis. From them, 56% of cases were male and 44% were female. The largest number of cases registered was during 2010, while the most involved municipality at the Region level was the municipality of Prizren. The age group most affected was 15-24 years old with 29.97% of the cases. Pulmonary tuberculosis was recorded in 421 cases and extra pulmonary tuberculosis in 193 cases. New cases have dominated with over 90% of cases, while recidivism was occurred in 10% of cases. The average incidence of tuberculosis in the region of Prizren for the period 2008-2012 was 31.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, while at the country level was about 52.3 per 100,000 inhabitants. Incidence of tuberculosis has shown an upward trend in the region of Prizren, as well as at the country level. Most affected are adolescents and young people. This should be investigated further, and institutions need to be more active in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.


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How to Cite

Kryeziu, F. U. ., Kryeziu, V. X. ., Mazreku, F. D. ., Abdushi, S. ., & Dedushaj, I. . (2013). Epidemiological features of tuberculosis in the region of Prizren. Health, Safety and Environment , 1(2), 46-52. Retrieved from https://sjournals.com/index.php/hse/article/view/410



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