Evaluation of salt tolerance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)


  • S.F. Moosavi Sardoo Department of Agriculture Sciences, Payam Noor University of Tehran, Iran


Germination, Seed vigor, Salinity stress, Tomato


The response of tomato genotype Chef against five salinity levels (distilled water or control, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mM) were studied at germination and early seedling stages. An experiment with conducted by using a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Shoot and root length, shoot and root fresh weight, seed vigor, meangermination time, germination percentage and rate measured 14 days after germination. Results of data analysis showed that, there were significant differences between salinity stress levels for all investigated traits except mean germination time. Results of data analysis showed that, indicate that the maximum germination percentage during the test was related to the observer control (Distilled water) treatment and 25 mM. The maximum germination percentage at day 14, with an average of 84.34 and 58.8%, were related to the control (Distilled water) treatment and 25 mM treatments. The maximum root and shoot length, at day 14 of the test, was from the control (Distilled water) treatment, which show a significant statistical difference with the observer treatment.


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How to Cite

S.F. Moosavi Sardoo. (2016). Evaluation of salt tolerance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Agricultural Advances, 5(1), 221-226. Retrieved from https://sjournals.com/index.php/aa/article/view/132



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