Biodiversity, the green ecology, economics and ecosystem engineering


  • Abdeen Mustafa Omer Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK


Ecosystems, Ecological engineering, Biodiversity, Environment


The increased exploitation of renewable energy sources is central to any move towards sustainable development. However, casting renewable energy thus carries with it an inherent commitment to other basic tenets of sustainability, openness, democraticisations, etc. Due to increasing fossil fuel prices, the research in renewable energy technologies (RETs) utilisation has picked up a considerable momentum in the world. The present day energy arises has therefore resulted in the search for alternative energy resources in order to cope with the drastically changing energy picture of the world. The environmental sustainability of the current global energy systems is under serious question. A major transition away from fossil fuels to one based on energy efficiency and renewable energy is required. Alternatively energy sources can potentially help fulfill the acute energy demand and sustain economic growth in many regions of the world. The mitigation strategy of the country should be based primarily ongoing governmental programmes, which have originally been launched for other purposes, but may contribute to a relevant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (energy-saving and afforestation programmes). Throughout the study several issues relating to renewable energies, environment and sustainable development are examined from both current and future perspectives. The exploitation of the energetic potential (solar and wind) for the production of electricity proves to be an adequate solution in isolated regions where the extension of the grid network would be a financial constraint.


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How to Cite

Abdeen Mustafa Omer. (2016). Biodiversity, the green ecology, economics and ecosystem engineering. Agricultural Advances, 5(2), 227-250. Retrieved from



Review Article