New methods based on genetics in wireless sensor networks with contemplating data security
Wireless sensor networks, Genetic algorithms, Data security, AggregationAbstract
Nowadays, one of the major issues in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is data security. Often, data security issue is associated with data aggregation. Using this kind of network in sensitive areas, especially in military environments, without contemplating data security creates main problems. A great number of researches have been conducted in recent years. For example, issues such as coding and use of key and optimum routing based on data security have been taken into consideration. Each method makes use of different parameters that have created strengths and weaknesses. The present research is intended to consider the new ideas presented in this field. Then, to contribute to strengths and weaknesses existing in these methods, we present new ideas. The routine is to study new methods in a valid research. Issues such as data integration, individual or multiple data transfer, the impact of genetic algorithms on data security, encoding and cryptography, secure data aggregation based on fuzzy logic, etc have been discussed thoroughly.
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