The significance and issues of motorcycle transport in the Urban areas in northern Ghana
Motorcycle;Motor traffic;DevelopmentAbstract
In many developing countries, motorcycles are increasingly becoming the common means of transport especially among low-income urban dwellers (urban poor) and many rural people. The high ownership and use of motorcycle in the urban areas in northern Ghana has come with its accompanying challenges like motorcycle accidents involving fatalities; environmental and public health concerns from the emissions; non-compliance to motor traffic regulations-for instance helmet use is generally low in Ghana among others among other things. The high incidence of motorcycle ownership and use has also been contributing significantly in the betterment of many livelihoods of urban residents in northern Ghana and at the instance of Wa. The increasing growth in the number of motorcycles has come to solve the mobility needs of many urban residents in the light of poor and inadequate public transport system, poor road conditions particularly those leading into the peri- urban areas where many people in Wa reside as a result of urban sprawl. It also comes along with a host of opportunities including employment to motorcycle mechanics and motorcycle spare parts dealers, local revenue generating sources through taxes/levies on motorcycle owners/riders as well as motorcycle registration and licensing. This paper examines the effects of motorcycle growth in the social and economic development or livelihoods of Wa, the regional capital of the Upper West Region of Ghana.
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