Introduction to calcareous algae in Esfiyukh Mountain
Torbat-E-Heydarieh;Calcareous algae;Benthic foraminiferaAbstract
In this research the biostratigraphy in Esfiyukh Mountain (5km of North-east of Torbat-e-Heydarieh) is studied for the first time. Thedeposits in this section are about 175 meters thickness; lithology consists ofalternative layers of medium bedded to very thick bedded limestone. This partoverlies on brown-dark red sandstone & Jurassic deposits with angularunconformity and is overlain by late Cretaceous sediments with unconformablecontact. The first study of benthic foraminifera and calcareous algaeidentification is the survey of paleoecology condition of benthic foraminifera,that 60 thin sections were studied. In this study ten genera and species ofcalcareous algae Salpingoporella cf. parapiriniae (Carras et al., 2006),Cylindroporella sp. (Elliot, 1979), Rajkella sp. (Dragastan & Bucur, 1993),Neomeris cretaceous (Stewmann, 1978), Triploporella sp. (SRIVASTAVA, 1978),(BUCUR, 1993), (Granier et al., 2000), Terquemella sp. (Radoicic, 1978),Boueina sp., Macroporella sp., Falsolikanella danilovae, (Radiocic ex1982), (Berger,1992)ag.,Actinoporellageredeensis, (CONRAD,1970), Salpingoporella aff. hasi, ,(Carras et al, 2006) has been known. With view to association ofbenthic foraminifera the age of the studied section Barremian t-Aptian isdetermined.References
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