Guarantee of woman social security and welfare rights in light of Iran Islamic Republic constitution


  • Saeed Mohsen Sheikh Al Eslami Assistant professor in department of public and international law of Fars science and Research, Fars, Iran. Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Fatemeh Moosavi Department of law, Payamenoor University, post box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran
  • Fereshteh Dehghan Department of law, Payamenoor University, post box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran


Women rights, Iran constitution, Law, Islam


There are a lot of rules mentioned in the constitution law of Iran regarding to women rights. Some of them mention women as just a woman and some refer to them as wife or a mother. These rules in the constitution of law Iran in this paper are discussed form different side of view in order to establish basemen of thinking for providing Iranian women the basic rights so that they can be helpful and useful in the society like men. This discussion has paid attention to the basic and fundamentals of Iran constitution law.


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How to Cite

Mohsen Sheikh Al Eslami, S. ., Moosavi, F. ., & Dehghan, F. . (2014). Guarantee of woman social security and welfare rights in light of Iran Islamic Republic constitution. Scientific Journal of Review, 3(6), 366-371. Retrieved from


