A Comparative Study of Translation Strategies of Fast-Food Advertising Texts from English into Persian and Arabic


  • Samaneh Yazdani Department of English language, Shahreza branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran


This paper was conducted to compare translation strategies used to translate English fast-food advertisement texts into Persian and Arabic. In this study, the textual analysis of the corpus revealed that while the main translation strategies used to translate English fast-food advertisement texts into Arabic was borrowing and transference, in Persian language the most frequent strategies was borrowing, functional equivalence and formal equivalence. The overall finding was inadequate translation of culture-specific concepts in both target languages, which are bound to the source text. Proper translation was suggested for culture-specific concepts through Harvey (2000) major techniques for translating culture-bound terms. The results were in line with Najme Bahrami Nazarabadi study in that the advised approach to translate advertisements was transference and literal translation.


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How to Cite

Yazdani, S. . (2014). A Comparative Study of Translation Strategies of Fast-Food Advertising Texts from English into Persian and Arabic. Scientific Journal of Review, 3(6), 405-410. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjr/article/view/550



Social Sciences