Solar Energy as a Solution in Sustainable Architecture and Intelligent Buildings (Case study: Ahvaz city)


  • Maryam Nikpour MSc Student of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Khuzestan Science and Research University, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Mehdi Mahdavi Adeli Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Shoshtar Branch, Department of Civil Engineering, Shoshtar, Iran, Islamic Republic of


sustainable architecture, intelligent building, solar energy, Ahwaz


The use of new energies isinevitable in line with sustainable development plans due to environmentalpollution, global warming and the increasing use of fossil fuels. The use offossil fuels is associated with greenhouse gas emissions and thereby globalwarming as well as secondary impacts such as desertification and dust storms inthe Middle East including in Iran. The use of renewable energy is the bestsolution to avoid greenhouse gas emissions. Ahvaz City with a population ofabout 1338126 people and 3080.2 sunny hours per year is located in southwesternIran. Ahvaz is among the best locations for application of solar systems. This is an analytical research carried out by desk study method. The presentpaper aims at evaluating the use of solar energy as a strategy for sustainablearchitecture and intelligent buildings in Ahwaz.


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How to Cite

Nikpour, M. ., & Mahdavi Adeli, M. . (2014). Solar Energy as a Solution in Sustainable Architecture and Intelligent Buildings (Case study: Ahvaz city). Scientific Journal of Review, 3(7), 540-546. Retrieved from


