Transition process of place – deficiencies of the newly developed cities for lacked sense of dependency (Case study: Sahand of Tabriz, the new city)


  • Nazanin Kousha Student of Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Soheila Aram Student of Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Amin Ebrahimi Architecture expert and Master's degree student of Urban Design, Islamic Azad University of Tehran-Central Branch Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Hamed Beyti Faculty member of Tabriz Islamic Art University Iran, Islamic Republic of


Place; satellite cities; sense of dependency; concept


Incompatible container to content is an issue ofarchitecture. Namely, a place may be unfamiliar to us, and the environment mayseem strange to us naturally. Nowadays, development of the satellite cities  has induced the population to settle more inindustrial cities, consequently, the increased population need housing, and weneed to build more houses in the satellite cities  to eliminate both issues of urban development  and housing for the population  migrated to the industrial cities.  A short glance to the architecture and urbandevelopment system of the modern city named Sahand reveals some undesirable spaces;the urban development system has disrupted communication of the users to theenvironment, also degraded interactions of the involved people in urbandevelopment process. This paper is firstly defining place and space viareflecting on communication concept to find relationship between users'communication to the environment; to know more sense of dependency to placethrough the project analysis.


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How to Cite

Kousha, N. ., Aram, S. ., Ebrahimi, A. ., & Beyti, H. . (2014). Transition process of place – deficiencies of the newly developed cities for lacked sense of dependency (Case study: Sahand of Tabriz, the new city). Scientific Journal of Review, 3(7), 580-588. Retrieved from


