The study of the role of Two-shelled facades in residential buildings in Guilan


  • Sousan Ghanbari Master of Architectural, Department of Architecture, University of Applied Science and Technology of Talesh, Talesh, Iran, Islamic Republic of


two-shelled facade, humid temperate climate, energy saving, natural ventilation


In a time when most of the Earth's fossil energy resources are decreasingand the population continue to increase, human needs to control his residentialspace weather in comfort range without any waste or excessive consumption ofenergy. Nowadays various technologies are used to create comfort, security, andsaving in costs particularly in energy consumption. Two-shelled facade is alsoone of the measures that with the advancement of knowledge and development ofscience in recent decades, has made it possible for construction industry to becompatible with the environment so that it can help to adjust heat, cold,light, wind, as well as outside noise and provide residents' welfare withoutwasting energy. The application of this technology is necessary in modernbuildings of Guilan according to the extent of the area in the country that canreduce a large part of fossil energy consumption by creating naturalventilation and draft that it's important factor of comfort is the reduction ofexcessive moisture in the area that is hard to bear for man. Therefore, the aimof this article is to study of the two-shelled facades and the amount ofinfluence of this technology on reduction of fossil energy consumption andman's comfort in the building. The descriptive-analytic research method hasbeen used in this research based on data collection by library method. Theresults of this study indicate that in addition to possibility of naturalventilation while controlling noise, wind, and rain, two-shelled facades case tohuman comfort in building with reduction of costs and creating a desiredlandscape.


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How to Cite

Ghanbari, S. . (2014). The study of the role of Two-shelled facades in residential buildings in Guilan. Scientific Journal of Review, 3(7), 589-599. Retrieved from


