The study of act of God in the light of law


  • Faramarz Ahmadyianfar Degree trend of art in private law Iran, Islamic Republic of


Force majeure, force majeure condition, force majeure effects, force majeure instances


This study surveys the force majeure process in comparative law with a brief look to Iran law. Result of this paper states that force majeure is accepted in all legal systems as an excuse for failure of performance; because, it may cause performance practically impossible. Hence, it has impressive effects on contract. In common law, the terms "termination of contract" and "impossibility" are used instead of force majeure. Also, force majeure and hardship are distinguished. Force majeure causes impossibility in contract performance, while hardship causes one of parties falls in a hard circumstance for performing the contract promises. Almost in all international contracts, force majeure condition is considered. It is analyzed and regarded according to initial circumstance of contract and implied terms.


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How to Cite

Ahmadyianfar, F. . (2014). The study of act of God in the light of law. Scientific Journal of Review, 3(7), 699-704. Retrieved from


