Investigation null curriculum on Islamic Education Courses in Tabriz University


  • Yousef Rezapour Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences group, University of Tabriz Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Yousef Adib Associate Professor of Educational Sciences group, University of Tabriz Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Sajjad pourbaghban MS student of Curriculum,University of Tabriz Iran, Islamic Republic of


null curriculum, general courses, University of Tabriz


The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' experiences of the null curriculum in general education courses, University of Tabriz. Phenomenological research is method in this study. The population in this study are professor courses. That they were selected the 18 patients with purposive as sample. The instrument used in the research is interview .To achieve the required data with the 18 professors courses depth interviews were conducted .Smith proposed method was used for data analysis. Thus, the interviews were recorded on audio file immediately after the researcher listened and typed line by line and sub-themes were extracted by studying and comparing the post. The results showed that the content of courses in six core goals, content, classroom space, time, evaluation and teacher activities and teaching strategies are null factors. Keywords: null curriculum, general courses, University of Tabriz


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How to Cite

Rezapour, Y. ., Adib, Y. ., & pourbaghban, S. . (2014). Investigation null curriculum on Islamic Education Courses in Tabriz University. Scientific Journal of Review, 3(7), 721-727. Retrieved from



Social Sciences