The applications of wireless sensor networks in military environments
Wireless sensor networks, Military areas, Secure data, Data aggregationAbstract
Nowadays, I have to find methods and new weapons on the battlefield to enhance the military capability that the most important is increasing of power in electronic wars. Maybe in the past, many soldiers on the battlefield, commanded of strong of the commanders, increase the military strength of a country and use of new techniques on the battlefield, caused which we win but nowadays all of them have been affected by electronic wars. With the help of sensor networks on the battlefield, we can obtain much information on many war fronts. (For example, Battlefield simulation, enemy's front simulation, espionage, movement control and surveillance in the region, number of enemy soldiers). We can distribute smart dusts (like of mica particles) by planes or missiles. Then we can analyze all of information with the help of special software. In this research I have tried to explore the challenges involved in military environments. At the end to solve the existing problems, I have presented solutions with the help of wireless sensor networks.
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