The use of packed water in urban drinking water and its advantages to other methods of separating drinking water from undrinkable water (The case study : Ferdows city in south Khorasan)


  • Mehdi Akhgari PHD student of Geography, Chairman and member of faculty Payame Noor University, Ferdows
  • Ahmad Mansur Senior expert of geography University lecturer Payame Noor and azad Ferdows
  • Saeed Mansuri Semester student of civil engineering, Zanjan University
  • Sara Mirzaei Senior expert of geography, urban planning


Ferdows County, packing water, drinking water separation, water purification, two network water supply


Today,more than one billion people of the world don't have access to safe drinking water.  Therefore, due to the population increase andconsequently increasing water needs, and the reduction of drinking watersources available, separating drinking water and non-drinking water seemsnecessary. In this article, the use of packed water is compared to other methods,such as two networks (drinkable and non-drinkable) water supply, public waterstations, purifying drinking water, and transferring high quality water fromdistant areas. Some statistics and information about the cities of Birjand, Ferdowsfor statistical analysis are used. Most scientists believe that changing theworld weather is because of the greenhouse effect, which has had many harmfuleffects on the planet. With the increasing of the use of fossil fuels andaccumulation of pollutant gases in the atmosphere of the earth which are theresults of spreading industries and cars in the recent centuries, thegreenhouse effect has occurred that the heat and returning long waves can't goout of the atmosphere, and consequently the earth temperature has increased. Theincreasing temperature phenomenon then would be a sign of a trend to a drierclimate.


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How to Cite

Akhgari, M. ., Mansur, A. ., Mansuri, S. ., & Mirzaei, S. . (2014). The use of packed water in urban drinking water and its advantages to other methods of separating drinking water from undrinkable water (The case study : Ferdows city in south Khorasan). Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 585-590. Retrieved from


