Chickpea breeding in the Dry aries region of southern Kazakhstan


  • Nurbakyt Orazaliyev Krasnovodopad Agricultural Experimental Station, Kazakhstan.
  • Murat Zhamalbekov Krasnovodopad Agricultural Experimental Station, Kazakhstan.
  • Aidos Mussabekov PhD, Department of Bilogy of SKPU, Kazakhstan.
  • Orynbasar Alshynbayev Candidate of Agricultural Sciences of SKSU named after Auezov, Kazakhstan.


Chickpeas, Variety testing, Nursery, Study, Selection, Phenology, Structural analysis, Standard, Yield


This article describes the state of modern chickpea breeding in the fields that conduct chickpea breeding at the Krasnovodopadskaya agricultural experimental station. Research samples of chickpeas from ICARDA at all breeding stages, samples with productivity higher than standard were selected. Selection and valuable traits were revealed when growing collection samples of chickpeas exposed for research in the following stages. Currently, there is a protein shortage in Kazakhstan to overcome this situation, it is important to identify new varieties of chickpeas that give more yield for the further development of the agricultural industry. Studying the samples of chickpea culture, the article identified samples for various economically valuable traits.


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How to Cite

Orazaliyev, N. ., Zhamalbekov, M. ., Mussabekov, A. ., & Alshynbayev, O. . (2022). Chickpea breeding in the Dry aries region of southern Kazakhstan. Scientific Journal of Crop Science, 11(1), 501-506. Retrieved from



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