Prevalence Study of Poultry Coccidosis in Small and Large Scale Farms in Adis Ababa, Ethiopia


  • T. Alemayehu Mekelle University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia
  • A. Tekelesellasie University of Gondar Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia
  • S. A. Kassa Mekelle University College of Veterinary Medicine, P.O.Box 21 Dire Dawa Ethiopia


Addis Ababa, Coccidiosis, Poultry, Large scale production system, Prevalence, Small scale production system


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How to Cite

Alemayehu, T. ., Tekelesellasie, A. ., & A. Kassa, S. (2012). Prevalence Study of Poultry Coccidosis in Small and Large Scale Farms in Adis Ababa, Ethiopia. Scientific Journal of Crop Science, 1(1), 26-31. Retrieved from



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