The Comparison Yield and some fruit quality traits of Grapevine Cultivars


  • Hamidreza Reza Fanaei Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Sistan, Zabol, Iran
  • Hossin Akbarimoghadam Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Sistan, Zabol, Iran
  • Hossin Rohanienejad Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Sistan, Zabol, Iran
  • Ali Reza Akbarimoghadam Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Sistan, Zabol, Iran


Performance, Variety, Total Soluble Solid, Phenology Stage


The selection suitable cultivar is one of the factors critical in increasing quality and quantity production of crop. Grapevine is one of the well-adapted crops to the Sistan climate located in South Esat of Iran. In order to comparison yield  and some fruit quantity traits of 20 grape cultivars along with local control (Yaghoti Ghermez Zabol) was conducted a experiment on based of randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications in Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station of Zahak, during year  2011-2012. Results indicated that the cultivars are different in term yield, total soluble solid (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), and technical maturity index ( TSS/TA). Askari Sefid Shiraz cultivar (18.5 t ha-1) had highest yield. Yaghoti Ghermez Zabol (17.5 t ha-1) and Khalili Varamin (16 t ha-1) had second and third ranks. From aspect, TSS, cultivars of Yaghoti Ghermez Ghazvin, and Varamin (26 %), Yaghoti  Siah Shiraz (24 %) and Yaghoti Ghermez Zabol  (22 %) had highest Brix degree . Also revealed higher rates from TSS/TA index in cultivars of Yaghti Ghermez Ghazvin, Yaghoti Varamin, Yaghoti Siah Shiraz and Yaghoti Ghermez Zabol with mean 65, 62.60 and 46, respectively. Grapevine cultivars includes, Yaghoti Ghermez (varamin, Ghazvin, Zabol) for earliness and have good production and high quality, accompany  with, Askari Sefeid Shiraz and Khalili Varamin are recommendable in Sistan climatic conditions.


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How to Cite

Reza Fanaei, H. ., Akbarimoghadam, H. ., Rohanienejad, H. ., & Reza Akbarimoghadam, A. . (2014). The Comparison Yield and some fruit quality traits of Grapevine Cultivars. Scientific Journal of Crop Science, 3(6), 55-60. Retrieved from



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