Soil acidification and lime quality: sources of soil acidity, its effects on plant nutrients, efficiency of lime and liming requirements


  • N. Athanase Soil quality and plant nutrition program, Natural Resources Management Direction, Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB), Rwanda, Kigali P.O. Box 5016,Rwanda
  • R. Vicky Soil quality and plant nutrition program, Natural Resources Management Direction, Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB), Rwanda, Kigali P.O. Box 5016, Rwanda
  • M. N. Jayne Agricultural resources department, Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 43844-00100, Kenya, Nairobi
  • H. Sylvestre Faculty of Agriculture, Higher Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, P.O.BOX, 210, Musanze, Rwanda


Soil ph;Lime purity;Crops response;Lime requirement;Lime solubility


Agriculture sectors support economy of most developing countries. InSub-Sahara Africa, the agriculture is predominantly based on rain-fedagricultural production of small, semi-subsistence, and increasingly fragmentedfarms. Thus, the farming is intensive and fields are concentrated on valleys,steep hillsides and mountains. This results in soil acidity, low fertility,accelerated soil erosion and low crop yields. Soil acidity affects crops inmany ways and its effects are mostly indirect, through its influence onchemical factors such as aluminium (Al) and manganese (Mn) toxicity, calcium(Ca), phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg) deficiencies and biological processes.The application of lime believed to enhance soil health status throughimproving soil pH, base saturation, Ca and Mg. It reduces Al and Mn toxicityand increases both P uptake in high P fixing soil and plant rooting system.However, the liming effects depend on its source, its characteristics,composition, purity and how finely it is ground. The estimation of limerequirement is constraining its use for smallholder farmers and young soilscientists. This study therefore aimed at highlighting the most causes of soilacidification, lime quality and lime requirement. This review article willserve as a guide for farmers and young soil scientists in addressing soil acidity and properly determining lime requirement.



How to Cite

Athanase, N. ., Vicky, R. ., N. Jayne, M. ., & Sylvestre, H. . (2013). Soil acidification and lime quality: sources of soil acidity, its effects on plant nutrients, efficiency of lime and liming requirements. Agricultural Advances, 2(9), 259-269. Retrieved from



Review Article