Evaluation of protein, monosaccharide, free proline content during grain filling in Triticum Aestivum V. Zarrin


  • H. Masoud Department of Biological science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Basic science, University of Kurdistan, Iran
  • A. Nesa Department of Biological science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Basic science, University of Kurdistan, Iran


Grain filling;Wheat;Protein content;Free proline;Stress condition


The progress of seed development was accompanied change inpattern of biochemical and physiological parameter which affected byenvironmental condition and developmental stage during grain filling period. Weperformed several studies to understand the biochemical and physiologicalevents taking place during seed grain filling. In this investigation, westudied changes in protein, monosaccharide and free   prolinecontent as biochemical parameter and fresh weight   as a growth parameter during grain filling(8weeks) period at field growing  Iranianwheat cultivar ( Triticum aestivum v. zarrin) . Results indicate that the mostincrease in fresh weight occurs between first and second week after anthesis.Constant phase of weight change occurred in 2, 3 and 4 week age. Significantdecrease in fresh weight occurs in 5 week age of grain filling. Increase inprotein content at 6 week age of grain may be related to biosynthesis oflate-embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) proteins that thought to be involved indesiccation during dehydration phase of seed development in wheat grain notsimilar to stress condition.


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How to Cite

Masoud, H. ., & Nesa, A. . (2013). Evaluation of protein, monosaccharide, free proline content during grain filling in Triticum Aestivum V. Zarrin. Agricultural Advances, 2(9), 270-276. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/aa/article/view/739



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