Assessment of beekeeping constraints in lowland of Bale zone southeast Oromia regional state, Ethiopia


  • Gelgelu Desha Temaro Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Sinana Agricultural Research Center (SARC), Apiculture Research Team, Po.Box 208, Bale Robe, Ethiopia.
  • Biftu Bosat Amare Oromia Agriculture Research Institute (OARI), Sinana Agricultural Research Center (SARC), Agricultural Extension Research Team, Po.Box 208, Bale Robe, Ethiopia.


Bale, Beekeeping, Constraint, Dello menna, District, Goro and Sewena


The study was conducted in lowland of Bale districts including Dello menna, Sewena and Goro Southeast Oromia Regional State Ethiopia with objective to assess constraints of beekeeping development. Different data collection techniques of studies were used. Using both purposive sampling and random sampling method were employed. Using purposive sampling, 130 household was used in study area. Analysis of data collection was PRA tools included problems ranking matrix and pair-wise comparisons and Focus Groups Discussion (FGD). Trend of beekeeping and honey yield were decreasing. Most of beekeepers were practiced traditional beekeeping by using local knowledge and a local material was constructed bee hive due low productivity. Beehive colonies 4-7 with averagely own per household headed with percentage 24% of traditional beehives. According to importance of constraints beekeeping were prioritized in lowland of Bale such as gap of knowledge, lack of full package bees, unwisely use of Agro-chemical, shortage of bee forage, shortage of water, pests and predators and diseases. Bee forage species were plenty in the study area. There was important afforestation, integrated cross-fertile of indigenous knowledge and training to mitigate constraints of beekeeping and intervention could be needed. For bee diseases in the study area further investigation strongly recommended.


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How to Cite

Temaro, G. D., & Amare, B. B. (2020). Assessment of beekeeping constraints in lowland of Bale zone southeast Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Agricultural Advances, 9(9), 560-566. Retrieved from



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